Hemorrhoids - Tips For Preventing The Problem

Piles can be the bane of your existence if they are particularly bad. Typically they can cause you pain or bleeding whenever you pass a bowel movement. In extreme cases, internal piles can prolapse or hang out of the anus to such an extent that they can't be put back into the rectum without some kind of surgical procedure. Ultimately you don't want to ever get into a situation like this so how can you avoid piles ? This article will discuss how to avoid piles.

If you have these symptoms, you are likely that you have piles. There is plenty that you can do to make them better. One can go for treatment such as anusol, which can be bought over the counter at pharmacies.

If you are like a lot of people, it is highly likely that you have sought relief from your piles by using home-concocted piles remedies and over-the-counter medication. Sadly, as much as these remedies and medications take away the discomfort of hemorrhoids, the relief they bring does not last long.

Make an appointment to see your physician before you decide on a natural treatment to get rid of hemorrhoids. It is important to make sure your symptoms are not being caused by a more serious medical condition. Symptoms of hemorrhoids include pain and itching near the area of the anus and rectum. Rectal bleeding can also occur from piles.

As with anything, drinking in moderation is good advice. Do not use this advice as a excuse to get pissed drunk now as a excuse for finding a external piles cure! If you suffer from external piles, the next time you drink a large amount of alcohol, see how your piles are the next day when you go to the bathroom. Feeling is believing!

For a person with intense piles; a concoction of rice, butter milk and ripe banana taken two times in a day has proved to work. This started many years ago and is more practiced in agriculturally rich countries.

Creams and medications are temporary relief and help to mask the underlying problem. The do help with the irritable symptoms but they won't cure the problem. If we leave the problem for to long it read more causes the piles to worsen and it becomes a continuous revolving cycle. Piles can enlarge or even Thrombose and cause bleeding and that is something you want to avoid at all costs.

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