Effective Home Treatments For Hemorrhoids

The thought of having piles surgery is not a pleasant one! Even the thought of having to go to the doctor and having an embarrassing examination was enough to put me off from seeking help for many years. Thankfully I managed to get rid of my hemorrhoids naturally and avoided any nasty piles surgery.

Now, there are several piles or hemorrhoids home treatment regimens that you can follow to cure your piles. There are natural remedies that you can take at home, and there are also more serious medications that are necessary if the condition is more serious.

The second step would be to add more fiber into your diet. Fiber, especially those that come from leafy vegetables, cereals and whole grains, act as a scouring pad for your intestines. Fiber helps make it easier for your stool to pass through your bowels and out of your system. This piles remedy will really help you.

Ice packs - Ice packs are great for reducing swelling, and pain from piles. It only takes about 10 to 15 minutes to get fast relief with an ice pack. An ice pack will numb read more the area and will reduce hemorrhoids swelling.

After a person has crushed the mango seeds into a powdery form, then a person can start consuming this concoction twice a day. A person should take 1.5 to 2 milligrams of this powdery substance twice a day. It is a good idea to mix the substance with a spoonful of honey, in order to make it easier to consume.

Flavonoid Supplements. Many doctors suggest taking flavonoid supplements to reduce piles. Flavonoids are pigments that give vegetables their color. Some foods high in flavonoids are soya and onions. Flavonoids can ease inflammation and strengthen the blood vessels.

Wheat Grass: Wheat Grass juice is used an enema for piles treatment. The general procedure is to given an enema with lukewarm or neem water. After waiting for twenty minutes, 90 to 120ml of the wheat grass juice enema is given. This should be retained for 20 minutes.

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